It goes without saying that Bollywood superstar Ranbir Kapoor is a doting father to his daughter Raha Kapoor, and is often seen being the happiest around her. A new video of the father-daughter duo has now gone viral in which Ranbir can be seen playing with Raha and consoling her after she tripped and fell, and netizens cannot get enough of their bond.

Ranbir and Raha were spotted having their own little play time in Mumbai on Tuesday as mommy Alia Bhatt played a game of pickleball with her friends. Ranbir was seen running around with Raha, and at one point, the little munchkin was seen tripping and falling on the grass. Just like every other toddler, she went running straight to her father, who then made sure to console her.

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In the video, Ranbir can be seen caressing and checking up on Raha before encouraging her to go back and play. He also swung her in the air and the little one was seen chatting with her dad in the most adorable manner.

As soon as the video surfaced, netizens gushed about how precious the moments between Ranbir and Raha were. "Ranbir is one of the best fathers. Hands on with his little one since she is born," a fan commented, while another wrote, "The way he loves his daughter!"

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Alia and Ranbir got married in April 2022, and in the same year, they welcomed Raha on November 6. The little one is the apple of Kapoor family's eyes, and while the parents keep her guarded around the paparazzi, she makes sure to have a moment in front of the cameras every time she steps out.

Earlier, mother Neetu Kapoor and sister Ridhima Kapoor Sahni had shared how Ranbir was a totally different person when he was with Raha. Alia too had revealed that the Animal actor is Raha's favourite play pal and that the two often spend their time playing games and laughing their hearts out with each other.

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