Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Police headquarters has suspended three personnel for withdrawing medical bills worth lakhs of rupees using duplicate documents, officials said here on Tuesday. A five-member committee has been formed to investigate the case. The financial irregularities, which were being committed for past four years, came to light recently.
Based on the facts that came out during preliminary investigation, accounts officer Neeraj Ahirwar, clerk Harsh Bhankhede and Harihar Soni have been suspended. According to modus operandi, payment was taken two to three times from one bill. The fraud took place in accounts branch of PHQ.
Top officials of PHQ had received inputs of this scam from the treasury. The preliminary investigation revealed that the accused had committed fraud worth lakhs of rupees. Police sources said the accounts officer and the two clerks prepared medical bills. First, payment was made in the name of the concerned person and then payment was made in the name of another person from the same bill. For second time, the accused used their own bank account.
That is, the amount was transferred to their own or their known accounts. Initially, they withdrew from sum of Rs 5,000 to Rs 20,000 by producing duplicate bills. Later, they purchased goods worth lakhs of rupees. Using another bill in the name of purchase, the amount was transferred to their account. A committee has been formed to investigate the bills. AIG Welfare Anshuman Agarwal has been made the head of the committee. Finance officer Reena Yadav and three auditors have been included in the committee. The committee has to submit its report in 10 days.
Forged documents
The amount has been withdrawn using forged documents. On the basis of the facts that came to light in the initial investigation, three persons have been suspended. A committee has been formed for investigation. The committee will submit its report in 10 days. - Santosh Singh Gaur, DIG, accounts, PHQ