Jaipur: Seven migratory birds have been killed in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan in the last couple of days. Suspecting Bird Flu, the samples have been sent to the National Institute of Higher Animal Diseases (Nishad) Bhopal for testing and the report is awaited.

The forest department has collected the bodies of dead migratory birds from the field and sent the samples to the lab in Bhopal with the help of the veterinary hospital.

Ashutosh Ojha, Deputy Forest Conservator of the Forest Department, said –"we are waiting for the report of Bhopal lab, meanwhile Quick Response Teams have been formed to monitor the situation. After receiving information about the death of migratory birds, QRT members reach the spot and take the dead bodies into their custody. With the formation of QRT, patrolling of ponds and various reservoirs has also been increased by the Forest Department.“

Notably, due to extreme cold conditions in western countries, thousands of migratory birds reach Jaisalmer every year as the climate here is less cold and calm. These migratory birds camp at Degrai, Bhadaria, Lathi as well as many ponds of the district. Considering this, the forest and animal husbandry department are on high alert.