Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. In 2024, he tied the knot with his second wife, Milena, who is a 22-year-old from Belarus, Europe.

A few days ago, he shared the news on his Instagram handle, with the caption, "Very Proud to Announce That My Wife Milena Alexandra. Has Chosen To Embrace Islam. Alhamdulillah For This Beautiful Journey! May Allah Forgive Us & Accept Our Prayers."

However, Sahil faced massive backlash for asking his wife to convert to Islam after marriage. Additionally, in his announcement post, the actor was seen wearing a chain with a cross pendant, which did not sit well with netizens.

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Reacting to the news, a user commented, "Why is embracing Islam important for her if she loves you so much? Would you not Accept Christianity if you love her truly? No offence but just out of curiosity. What is the use of embracing Islam without studying and researching it? And not only Islam, what is the use of embracing any religion just for marriage if you both have a rock solid bonding? Anyways I wish Sahil Bhai a happy married life ahead. Peace."

Another user said, "Is it necessary to change religion after marriage?" A third user added, "If u really love her …than why u want her to change her religion accept her whatever she is!!"

Netizens also slammed him for wearing the cross chain. One user commented, "Your necklace is a symbol of another religion."

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