Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): The first part of the grand Parvati-Kalisindh Project (PKC) was inaugurated in Ujjain on Monday. CM Mohan Yadav performed the Bhoomi Pujan of the Sewarkhedi-Silarkhedi project being built at a cost of Rs 668 crore at the Kshipra Ghat. It will irrigate 18,800 hectares.

Through this project, water will be released into the Kshipra River from this project during Simhastha. Similarly, drinking water will be provided to 65 villages of Ujjain.

The project is being implemented in the state under the river linking campaign of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The state government is working actively to complete it on priority.

The Chief Minister inspected the ambitious Kanha Close Duct Diversion Project for the purification of the Kshipra River. This will prevent the dirty water of the Kanha River from being dumped into the Shipra. The polluted water will be treated and released further. This step will ensure Shipra remains clean and pure so that devotees and saints can take a holy dip in Simhastha 2028.

Union Jalshakti Minister CR Patil, Water Resources Minister Tulsi Silavat, and many other public representatives were present on the occasion.

CM descends into 32-meter-deep tunnel

Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav descended into a 32-meter-deep tunnel on Monday for inspection. He had come to see the work of closed duct diversion in the village of Bamora for Kshipra purification. Minister Tulsi Silavat and CM's ACS Rajesh Rajoura were also present.