Senior Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff, who played the role of an antagonist in Varun Dhawan, Wamiqa Gabbi and Keerthy Suresh-starrer Baby John, reacted to the box office failure of the film and stated that he feels bad for the producers. Released on December 25, the film was reportedly made on a budget of over Rs 180 crore. However, it earned only Rs 39.28 crore in 16 days of its theatrical run.
In an interview with India Today, Jackie Shroff revealed if the bad performance of the film affects him. He said, "The producers do get affected. They put in a lot of money with trust in these projects. And when they do not recover it, that is sad. As actors, of course, you want to be liked for your performance but you also want it to work well."
"Dukh hota hai par khud ke liye nahi, producers ke liye (You feel bad... not for yourself, but the producers). You tend to do your job with sincerity, but the people who have put in the money, you have to think about them too," he reportedly added.
Directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee, his wife Priya Atlee, Jyoti Deshpande and Murad Khetani, the film has reportedly incurred a loss of around 120.72 crore.
According to media reports, the film has recovered only 24.55 per cent of its total budget, making it one of the biggest Bollywood flops of 2024. In fact, shows of the film have been removed from many cities including Mumbai, Delhi, and Chandigarh.
Baby John had opened to mixed reviews from critics and masses, with one section calling it a "massy entertainer", and another labelling it as "boring".
The makers had earlier revealed that Baby John is an adaptation of Vijay's blockbuster film, Theri, however, a lot of scenes were changed to justify Varun's character and the film's premise.
The film also has an action-packed cameo by superstar Salman Khan.