Triptii Dimri was set to reunite with her Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 co-star Kartik Aaryan in Aashiqui 3. However, the recent reports stated that the actress dropped from the project by the makers, as they felt the female lead needed to embody innocence, and they did not see Triptii fitting the required parameters.

Now, Aashiqui 3 director Anurag Basu has reacted to the ongoing rumours and told Mid-Day, "That’s not true. Triptii knows it too."

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Earlier, according to a report in Zoom, Triptii was not fitting for the role in Aashiqui 3. "The fundamental requirement to be the heroine of Aashiqui 3 is innocence reflecting through and as observed by the team behind the film, Triptii Dimri with her recent films has become too exposed to be cast in this romantic film which demands purity in demeanour from the female lead. Aashiqui is a legendary, soulful love story and the makers do not see Tripti fitting the parameters," added the source.

The source added, "After Animal, there has been no buzz around her. More so, her solo standing at the box office hasn’t proven profitable with her recent films."

However, Triptii Dimri has not yet released an official statement on the matter. Following her exit from Aashiqui 3, the new female lead has yet to be announced.

Initially, Aashiqui 3 was supposed to be co-produced by Bhushan Kumar and Mukesh Bhatt. Later, in 2024, Bhushan Kumar announced that T-Series would be producing this film solo with a new name Tu Aashiqui Hai following a creative conflict with Bhatt.

“T-Series wishes to clarify that we are not presently involved in the development or production of Aashiqui 3. If and when Aashiqui 3 is initiated, T-Series and Vishesh Films / Mukesh Bhatt being joint owners in the franchise, shall produce it jointly only. We categorically deny any ongoing rumours suggesting that Aashiqui 3 is being produced under a different title by T-Series. Our proposed film to be directed by Anurag Basu is neither Aashiqui 3 nor part of the Aashiqui franchise. We sincerely appreciate the ongoing support and enthusiasm of our fans,” the statement read.