In a shocking incident, a woman in Muzaffarnagar set fire to the door of her neighbor’s house late at night. The entire act was captured on CCTV, leaving residents of the area stunned.

The video footage shows the woman walking alone on the street at night. After a brief moment, she stops outside a house and sets the door ablaze before walking away. Alerted by the fire, the occupants of the house rushed out and managed to extinguish the flames before it could spread further.

The affected family wasted no time in filing a written complaint with the local police. The police have launched an investigation into the matter.

Preliminary reports suggest that the accused woman may have been attempting to create unrest in the area. The incident occurred in the Khai Kheda village under the jurisdiction of the Kakrauli police station in Muzaffarnagar.

The police are examining the CCTV footage to gather more evidence and ascertain the motive behind the act. The villagers are demanding strict action against the accused to prevent such incidents in the future.