Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan recently returned to his alma mater, DY Patil University in Mumbai, to receive his engineering degree after a decade. On Saturday, he took to his social media handle to share a glimpse of the convocation ceremony, where students danced to his hit tracks, his professor delivered a speech, and he met several fans.
He captioned the video, "From sitting in the backbench to standing on the stage for my convocation - what a journey it’s been. DY Patil University, you gave me memories, dreams, and now, finally, my degree (only took over a decade!). Thank you, Vijay Patil Sir, my incredible teachers, and the young dreamers here for all the love- this feels like coming home!"
Check out Kartik Aaryan's video:
At the end of the video, as Kartik headed back to his car to leave, a female fan became emotional after meeting him and couldn’t hold back her tears. The actor was seen comforting the fans and even hugged her.
Reacting to the video, a fan commented, "Cute moments." "You rock," another one commented. A third fan said, "So our Champion got his degree and celebrated in Rooh Baba’s style. Congratulations!!!!"
On the work front, Kartik was last seen in the horror-comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, alongside Triptii Dimri, Madhuri Dixit and Vidya Balan in the lead.