On November 13, Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel had sparked dating rumours with businessman Nirvaan Birla after she had shared a photo with Nirvaan on her official Instagram account and it had gone viral. Both were in Dubai at the time.
The caption of the post had read, “DUBAI —- lovely evening with my darling @nirvaanbirla,” along with several red heart emoticons and the post was also liked by Nirvaan’s father, Yash Birla. Several netizens had started commenting and calling them a ‘couple’ while others went ahead saying that the duo should get married. The photo had been re-shared by Nirvaan on his Instagram story.
However, we can now confirm that these are just baseless rumours, as Nirvaan just informed us in an upcoming podcast of ours. “Ameesha and I are not dating. She is a family friend and known to my father since their school days. We were both in Dubai as I was shooting for my music album which she features in,” Nirvaan told us. While the album releases in February, Nirvaan is an entrepreneur who is the founder and MD of Birla Brainiacs and Birla Open Minds and has his own music band.
Ameesha is currently on a high after the massive success of Gadar 2 and also because her debut film Kaho Na..Pyaar Hai, which also propelled Hrithik Roshan to superstardom, has re-released in theaters.
The bottom line, however, is that every hug on social media doesn’t signify a relationship.