Bhushan Kumar’s wife, Divya Khosla, recently mourned the loss of her grandmother. While the cause of her grandmother's death remains undisclosed, Divya shared an emotional note on her social media. She had also faced the loss of her mother, Anita Khosla, in 2023.

Sharing unseen photos with her nani, Divya wrote, "My Dearest Naniji left for her heavenly abode recently. The strongest woman I knew … a very successful businesswoman, a cancer survivor & an army officers wife .. my Nani was a very inspirational lady and the immense strength she had was what she passed down to my mother and my mother passed on to me ..After my Mom passed away 1.5 yrs back she kept telling me “Rona nahi hai” while she herself would cry loads … sorry naniji."

"I can not stop my tears!! because I miss u terribly & the way u always cheered for me always & always ………..Love you Infinite. God Bless Remembering all the memories.. End of an era for me!!," she added.

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