Srinagar: A major corruption scandal has surfaced regarding the Srinagar Smart City Limited, leading the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) to probe claims of wealth accumulated by high-ranking officials of Srinagar Smart City Limited (SSCL). Probes have resulted in the filing of cases against Chief Financial Officer Sajid Yousuf Bhat and Executive Engineer Zahoor Ahmad Dar, with both charged with holding assets inconsistent with their official incomes under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

The Anti Corruption Bureau of Jammu & Kashmir has posted about the incident on their X page (formerly Twitter) informing about the Disproportionate Assets (DA) cases registered against Sajid Yousuf Bhat, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Zahoor Ahmad Dar Executive Engineer of Srinagar Smart City Limited.

Raids carried out by the ACB revealed questionable transactions and possibly underpriced assets associated with Bhat, whereas Dar was discovered to possess an upscale home and car involved in suspicious financial dealings. The scandal underscores continuing problems with project implementation and prompts inquiries regarding the integrity of the Smart City effort aimed at modernizing Srinagar.

Ongoing issues related to work quality, deadline lapses, and transparency have sparked worries over the credibility of the Smart City Project. The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is probing two high-ranking officials, CFO Sajid Yousef Bhat and Executive Engineer Zahoor Ahmad Dar, of Srinagar Smart City Limited for purportedly amassing excessive wealth.

Current inquiries at seven sites seek to reveal financial misconduct associated with the accused. The ACB disclosed that Bhat possesses a commercial asset appraised at a significantly greater value than reported, along with various questionable bank activities.

In a press conference held by the Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of the Anti-Corruption Bureau Abdul Waheed Shah stated detailed information about ACB's investigation into secretly verifying allegations against Srinagar Smart City Limited's CFO and other officials.

“ACB has registered DA cases against Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Sajid Yousef Bhat and Executive Engineer Zahoor Ahmad Dar of Srinagar Smart City Limited," Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of ACB Abdul Waheed Shah said according to a PTI report.

Accused Zahoor Ahmad Dar Executive Engineer of Srinagar Smart City Limited owns an luxurious home and a sedan, with both officials connected to dubious financial dealings. Charges have been filed against them under the Prevention of Corruption Act. The ACB is dedicated to ensuring that anyone identified as complicit in these misconducts is held accountable.