The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) postponed the Civil Services Examination (UPSC CSE 2024) personality test because of the 2025 Delhi Assembly election, which was originally scheduled for February 5. The personality test will now be administered on February 8 to the 48 candidates who were called to the UPSC CSE interview on February 5. Candidates can view the official notice on UPSC's official website at

On February 5, a single phase of the Delhi Assembly elections 2025 will take place, and on February 8, the results will be made public. Additionally, candidates should know that no interviews are planned on February 8.

This hiring campaign will fill 1056 positions inside the company.

Official notice

"The Personality Tests of Civil Services Exam 2024 scheduled on 05.02.2025 will now be held on Saturday, the 8th of February 2025, due to notification of Delhi Assembly elections on 05.02.2025," the official notice said.

Important Dates and Timings

Personality Test (Interview):

Main Examination:

Registration Process:

How to download the official notice:

Interested applicants should visit UPSC's official website for additional information.