Udupi: A 25-year-old doctor from Bengaluru was allegedly duped of Rs 8.5 lakh by two fraudsters on the pretext of offering a seat in a Master of Public Health studies course in the United Kingdom (UK), claimed a report. The doctor recently completed his general medicine studies.

The victim, Santhosh, upon realising that he had been cheated approached the police, He filed a complaint with the Udupi police. In a complaint, the victim said that he was approached by two accused and offered him a seat for MPH studies in the UK for Rs 18 lakh, reported The Times of India.

The victim paid Rs 8.5 lakh in advance. However, after receiving the money, the accused reportedly did not respond to the doctor's call. As per the complaint, Santhosh expressed his wish to pursue MPH studies in the UK his acquaintance Dr Sudarshan, reported TOI. It was Sudarshan who advised the complainant to meet the first accused, Aftab, in Dubai.

Santhosh reportedly travelled to Dubai to meet Aftab he held the meeting with the first accused who offered him a seat in the MPH studies in the UK for Rs 18 Lakh. The complainant agreed to the offer. Aftab then asked Santhosh to meet the second accused, Suman S, after the victim told him that he had no NRI account.

The complainant reportedly met Suma in Karnataka's Udupi. They both met near a hotel in Moodanidambur village. Santhosh then transferred transferred Rs 8.5 lakh to Suman's account. The money was transferred through RTGS.

However, when both the accused stopped responding to his calls, Santhosh contacted the Udupi Town police and lodged a complaint. A case was reportedly registered under sections 316(2) (punishment for criminal breach of trust), 318(2) (cheating), and 3(5) (common intention to carry out criminal act) of the Bharat Nayan Sanhita (BNS). A detailed investigation has been launched into the matter.