Punjab: In a shocking case of animal abuse in Punjab’s Jalandhar, a man named Mandeep was arrested for repeatedly abusing animals and sharing disturbing videos of violent acts on social media. The videos, posted as reels on Instagram, showed dogs attacking cats that were deliberately tied up in front of them, along with other instances of cruelty.
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Social Media Flooded With Insensitive & Violent Videos Of Animal Abuse
Mandeep’s social media account contained numerous posts promoting animal abuse. In one video, he was seen pulling one of his pet dogs by its leash while it tried to escape. These posts triggered outrage online, with netizens condemning his inhumane actions and calling for justice for the animals.
A concerned individual named Yuvi, along with the Animal Protection Foundation, took decisive action by reporting the incidents to the police. The cops immediately responded, filing an FIR against Mandeep and arresting him. One dog was rescued during the operation, but efforts are ongoing to locate other animals featured in Mandeep’s videos.
Mumbai Cop Shares Update On Case
Mumbai police officer and animal activist Sudhir Kudalkar provided updates on the case via social media. Sharing details on X, Kudalkar wrote, “FIR HAS BEEN REGISTERED AGAINST MANDEEP (PUNJAB). ACCUSED ARRESTED & ONE DOG RESCUED BY YUVI. Accused: (@mandee5103) Hero: Yuvi @ Animal Protection Foundation, who not only filed a proper FIR but also rescued the dogs. Efforts continue to locate the animals shown on the accused’s Instagram."
"I urge everyone to report his account and have it suspended for hosting cruel content. A special mention to Aditya Saran (@adt.saran), who played a crucial role in ensuring these dogs were saved. Animals deserve kindness and safety, not abuse. We must take a stand against cruelty,” he further wrote.