Thane: The Bhiwandi City police booked a 45-year-old man for allegedly possessing nylon manjha for kite flying activities that pose a significant risk to human and animal lives. The police said that the accused has been identified as Mois Atul Shah, 45, a resident of Nehru Nagar located in Navi Basti, Bhiwandi.

The incident came to light when a police team was patrolling on December 8 and found that the accused was allegedly in possession of banned Chinese or nylon manjha and was selling it for personal gain. The police said that they interrogated him and filed an FIR. They have confiscated nylon manjha worth over Rs 1300.

A case was filed by Samadhan Bhosale, a police constable of Bhiwandi City, under sections 125(A) and 223 of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita and the relevant sections 5 and 15 of the Environment Protection Act.

Chinese manja is made from finely ground glass, metal, or other sharp substances which make it dangerous and pose a significant risk to humans and birds.

The National Green Tribunal has already imposed restrictions on the production, sale, storage, and use of such thread. These threads are non-biodegradable, which affects the sewage system and drainage. Animals can be at risk if they eat these threads