The Powai police arrested a 37-year-old Himachal Pradesh resident for alleged sextortion. The accused, identified as Prabhjyot Singh, demanded Rs.3 crore from a 51-year-old woman. Singh was arrested in Himachal Pradesh.

According to the police, the complainant, a homemaker residing in Powai, came into contact with the accused via social media, and they developed a relationship between July and December 2024. Later, Singh began blackmailing her with objectionable videos and pictures. He had posed as a potential buyer interested in iron products.

When she became fed up with his harassment, the woman confided in her husband, who encouraged her to file a case. The case was filed on December 9.

The police seized Singh's mobile phone, which was sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) to extract data used for blackmailing the woman. Singh had been continuously moving between six mobile network tower locations, prompting the police team to stay near the Himachal Pradesh border for four days. The officers walked about six kilometers a day and finally arrested him on December 31. The accused worked for a private company in Himachal Pradesh.