A shocking incident occurred in Andheri West, where a temporary house help attacked two elderly women with an iron masala pestle on Tuesday. Shobha Rekhari, 74, and her sister-in-law, Bina Bhatt, 67, sustained injuries in the attack and were admitted to Kokilaben Hospital for treatment. Amboli police have registered a case of attempted murder and robbery against the 20-year-old accused, Ajit Mukhiya, and his associates. The accused fled after the attack, prompting the police to launch a special operation. Four individuals have been arrested in connection with the alleged attempt to murder and robbery.

A police officer stated, "This is part of a gang-related robbery attempt. While Ajit attacked the women, other accomplices waited outside. One of the women managed to lock herself in a bedroom, preventing the robbery from succeeding. The main accused, who hails from Bihar, has fled to Hyderabad, and we have dispatched a team to apprehend him. We have already arrested three suspects in this matter."

The incident occurred on Tuesday, January 7, between 3:30 p.m. and 4:50 p.m. at the Gypsy Rose Building in Shastri Nagar Number One, Andheri West. Shobha Rekhari resides in flat number 703 on the seventh floor of the building. Ajit prepared lunch for everyone, after which some relatives left the house. Relatives had visited her home that day. Since their regular servant was unavailable, Ajit Mukhiya was hired as temporary help for the day. At that time, Shobha and her sister-in-law, Bina Bhatt, were resting—one in the bedroom and the other on the sofa. Around 3:30 p.m., Shobha heard Bina scream loudly and rushed out of the bedroom. She saw Ajit striking Bina's head with an iron masala pestle. When Shobha attempted to intervene, Ajit attacked her head as well before fleeing the scene.

Both women were seriously injured in the attack. Local residents alerted the Amboli police, who arrived at the scene and facilitated the victims' transfer to Kokilaben Hospital. Shobha received first aid, while Bina was admitted due to more severe injuries. Her condition is now reported as stable. Bina Bhatt’s paralysed husband was present in the bedroom during the incident but was unharmed.

Meanwhile, the attack has left local residents fearful, creating an atmosphere of unease in the area. Police suspect a larger conspiracy involving all the accused, as CCTV footage captured their presence on the building premises.