Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Multiple police teams have been roped in to identify and arrest the culprits who looted Rs 15 lakh in cash from a grain trader near Kolar Crossing on Wednesday. Police teams including the crime branch are scanning CCTV footage and also taking help of surveillance to identify the miscreants.

Some suspects have been detained in connection with the loot and are being questioned, police officials said. As per reports, a resident of Chuna Bhatti area, Sahil Singh is in grain business with his partner Rohit. Sahil informed police that on Wednesday afternoon, he and Rohit had gone to Jumerati area for cash collection.

The duo was returning to Chuna Bhatti on their scooty when near Kolar Crossing two unidentified persons on a bike hit their scooty. Sahil and Rohit fell from their vehicle while one of the miscreants snatched away the bag containing cash from them.

The looters then fled towards MACT Crossing. Kolar police reached the spot and launched a hunt for the miscreants but to no avail. Police officials said that an FIR has been registered against the unidentified miscreants on complaint of Sahil.

Multiple police teams including the crime branch are scanning CCTV footage in the vicinity to trace the escape route of the miscreants. It is suspected that someone close to the traders must have given a tip off to the miscreants about the traders going for cash collection.

Police Commissioner Harinarayanchari Mishra said some suspects have been detained for questioning in this connection and the case will be cracked soon.