Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Ramesh Rao (52), who lives in Chakkamed Vikramaditya Nagar, had left his house on foot to irrigate fields on Thursday morning. He had just reached Sagar Chaupal when an LPG tanker (MP 09 H3328) hit him from behind.
The driver was so desperate that he did not even stop the tanker. The farmer was dragged for about a hundred feet after getting entangled in the wheel. He died and his body was mutilated. On seeing the incident, people going towards Unhel and Ujjain stopped their vehicles.
Information spread like wildfire in the entire area. People blocked roads as a result. When the deceased’s daughter Rekha saw her father’s body, she fainted. She was brought back to consciousness. People’s anger was rising. It had been two hours and the police had not arrived.
Some people even threatened to set the tanker on fire. But fortunately it did not happen. Bhairavgarh police reached the spot following which Chimanganj Mandi police along with the TI also rushed there. Both the TIs were also saddened by the incident but could not do anything.
They explained the matter but the bottleneck was not cleared. People said that the collector should be called. Meanwhile, CSP Sumit Agrawal reached and said that the tanker has been seized, the driver has also been taken into custody. Compensation will be given as per government policy. Later, the police cleared the obstruction by resorting to mild lathicharge.