The Khar police have arrested a history-sheeter who targeted a high-rise building in an upscale area. The accused, identified as 30-year-old Deepak Khable, recently stole valuable items worth Rs.50 lakh from the flat of a non-resident Indian (NRI) CEO of British Petroleum. The CEO, who has taken US citizenship, resides on the 10th floor of a high-rise building on Carter Road in Khar West.

Despite having metal rods in his legs from a previous injury, Khable managed to scale the 10th floor using bamboo scaffolding, which had been erected for painting work, and committed the theft. Khable is known for targeting buildings under renovation during the day and breaking into flats at night using scaffolding.

According to the police, the 67-year-old complainant, who resides in the Walmiki building, discovered the theft on the morning of December 31. He noticed that the CCTV monitors in his home and office had been switched off and found the DVR (digital video recorder) missing. Upon inspecting his office, he realized that valuables worth Rs.50 lakh had been stolen. The stolen items included more than 24 luxury watches from various brands, three Apple mobile phones, two digital cameras, a laptop, a gray backpack, the DVR, and a few gifts from renowned industrialists. The complainant immediately informed the Khar police, who filed a case and began investigating. Between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., the accused stole the items.

During the investigation, the police identified Khable as the suspect based on CCTV footage and technical evidence from the area. Khable is a known criminal with multiple burglary cases registered against him in Mumbai. In a previous case, he suffered leg injuries while fleeing from the police, requiring metal rods to be inserted into his legs. Despite this, he managed to climb the 10th-floor scaffolding and commit the crime.

The police tracked Khable to his residence on Bhausaheb Parab Road, near Dahisar Bridge in Kandarpada, Dahisar East. During interrogation, he confessed to the theft. The police recovered all the stolen items, valued at approximately Rs.50 lakh, from his possession.

Khable has been involved in several similar cases across various police stations in Mumbai, including Khar. His modus operandi involves surveying buildings under renovation during the day and stealing at night by climbing wooden scaffolding. The police described him as an inveterate criminal specialising in such crimes.

The police registered the case under Section 305(a) (Theft in a dwelling house, means of transportation, or place of worship, etc.) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita and arrested the accused on January 6.