Mumbai: Dhananjay Nikam, 46, District and Sessions Judge in Satara, has approached the Bombay High Court for pre-arrest bail after being booked by the State Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) for allegedly demanding a bribe of Rs 5 lakh to grant bail in a cheating case. Justice NR Borkar has scheduled the matter for in-chamber hearing on January 15, given the involvement of a judicial officer.

Nikam, through his advocate Viresh Purvant, claimed innocence, asserting he was falsely implicated. His plea stated that the FIR does not show any direct demand or acceptance of money by him. It further argued that he was neither aware of meetings between the complainant and other accused nor that the complainant was related to the accused seeking bail. The plea also highlighted that Nikam was on leave or deputation on key dates, raising doubts about the allegations.

The case stems from a complaint by a 24-year-old woman whose father, a civilian defence employee, is in judicial custody for allegedly cheating someone under the pretext of offering a government job. After a lower court denied his bail, the woman filed a fresh bail application in Nikam’s court. The ACB alleges that two private individuals, Kishor Sambhaji Kharat from Mumbai and Anand Mohan Kharat from Satara, demanded Rs 5 lakh from the woman at Nikam’s behest for a favorable order.

The ACB claimed that the bribe demand was verified during their investigation between December 3 and 9, confirming that Nikam, in collusion with the Kharats, sought the bribe. The ACB has booked Nikam, the Kharats, and an unidentified individual under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

Nikam’s plea emphasised that he neither avoided hearing the bail application nor made any promises of favorable orders. It also noted that no such bail orders were passed during the period in question. Further investigation is underway.