Mumbai, January 8: In a shocking incident, a deeply disturbing video showing 20-year-old Naima Jamal, an Ethiopian woman, being tortured and held as a slave in Libya has gone viral on social media. The video shows that the woman is being tied with a rope inside a toilet and tortured. It can be seen in the video that bucket of water is being poured on her as her hands are tied to the ceiling of the toilet where she is kept. Naima is seen crying in pain and pleading for help in the video.
About Naima Jamal And Her Kidnapping
According to a report by Converseer, Naima was kidnapped by traffickers when she arrived in Libya in May 2024. The traffickers are demanding a ransom of USD 6,000 for her release. Her family has been devastated and horrified as they received a video showing her being tortured by the traffickers. There are also reports that she is being beaten with sticks while being held captive in Libya's Kufra.
Over 50 Other Victims Held Captive
The video sheds light on the grim reality of human trafficking in Libya, where modern-day slavery continues to thrive. Alongside the video, the traffickers also sent an image showing over 50 other victims, sitting with their hands and legs tied with rope, few individuals are also seen in chains. Their freedom and dignity stripped away as they await auction in a brutal and inhumane trade.
Human Trafficking Crisis
Libya's ongoing human trafficking crisis is a chilling reminder of the nation’s dark history with the slave trade, a legacy that continues to torment vulnerable individuals like Naima. International intervention and awareness are urgently needed to combat this cruel practice and protect innocent lives from such atrocities.
Urgent Action Required
This case highlights the urgent need to address human trafficking globally. Governments, human rights organisations and individuals must come together to end this exploitation and provide support to victims like Naima and countless others trapped in this nightmare.