Nashik city police chased ganja smugglers who tried to escape by driving recklessly, taking advantage of the police's 'stop and search' operation on Tuesday. Out of the five suspects, the police caught one and seized 28 kg of ganja from him. The police pursued them from two directions and apprehended the suspect while being cautious. Taking advantage of the darkness, four others managed to escape.

At 2.30am, Annaldar Balkrishna Pawar and Havaldar Bhaurao Gangurde were checking vehicles under the stop-and-search operation on behalf of the Adgaon Police. However, when the driver of a car failed to stop, the police informed the control room and requested assistance to intercept the vehicle. Accordingly, control room officer Sugandha Navale informed the patrol teams about the suspicious vehicle.

Eight police teams began a thrilling high-speed chase. During the pursuit, the suspect hit four police vehicles and attempted to cause accidents. The chase finally ended near the Chakradhar Swami Temple, where the police stopped the suspect's car. While four suspects escaped into the darkness, the police apprehended Akash Ganesh Dolas (36), a resident of Panvel, Raigad. Upon inspecting the vehicle, 28 kg of ganja was found.

It was revealed that the suspects had purchased the ganja in Dhule and were transporting it to Navi Mumbai. The court has remanded Dolas to police custody until Friday. A case of attempted murder and drug trafficking has been registered against the suspects at the Adgaon Police Station. Police Commissioner Sandeep Karnik felicitated the officers and staff involved in the operation for their commendable efforts in apprehending the suspects.