Bollywood actress Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, best known for playing Shah Rukh Khan's co-star in the 1994 film Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa, lashed out at an X user who said she looked 'dull' in a video which she recently shared. Suchitra, who is quite active on social media, also addressed body-shaming and age-related trolling.

On January 7, Suchitra shared a personal experience where a childhood friend expressed concern over her appearance, comparing her current look to how she appeared in 1994 when her Bollywood debut film was released.

"A friend of mine sent me a picture and asked what had happened to me. She said she thought I was always careful about my health and exercise. I told her I’m feeling better than ever, except I’m recovering from a viral. When I saw the picture, I realised it was a comparison between how I looked 30 years ago and now," she said in the video.

So, you know

Calling out the undue pressure society places on women, Suchitra urged people to stop fixating on a woman's appearance. "Stop putting this pressure on women. Whether I look good, bad, aged, or have looked after myself—it’s none of your business. Trolls on the internet need to get a life and focus on positivity rather than attacking people they’ll never meet," she added.

Soon after she shared the video, an X user suggested she delete the post, claiming her body language seemed 'dull' and 'unhappy'. The comment read, "Suchitra ji, you look really unhappy in this clip. Your body language is not positive. You are beautiful otherwise, but in this video, you look dull. Please remove this video."

Suchitra, known for her unfiltered responses, hit back at the user, saying, "Wow. There you go, commenting negatively on a woman’s looks again like a million other trolls on the net. You probably didn’t even bother to hear what I’m saying. Hey bakwasiyon, leave us women alone."

Meanwhile, on the work front, Suchitra was last seen in Amazon Prime Video show Guilty Minds, which released in the year 2022. The actress has not announced her upcoming projects yet.