All of us must understand that we have all arrived in the world all alone without anything and so we shall depart. Nothing is owned by us; we will not carry anything with us. One of the most powerful lessons the elders should, therefore, adopt is the art of living with an attitude of “letting go”. It is not just about releasing what no longer serves them; it is about embracing freedom, peace, and wisdom.

Importance of Letting Go

The notion of “letting go” may sound simple, but it is often the most challenging lesson in life. We tend to cling to material possessions, past experiences, relationships, fears, expectations, and even emotions. Over time, these attachments begin to weigh us down, making our journey heavier than it needs to be.

In the younger years, people often hold onto so many things as if they were of their own: ideas of success, grudges, possessions, and even people with whom they had different types of relationships. We need to realize that holding on to them does not make anyone stronger or better; it actually makes one tired. It is only when one starts practising letting go that we feel lighter, more at peace, and more aligned with what truly matters.

When we let go, we stop resisting the flow of life. We allow ourselves to experience things as they come and go, understanding that nothing is permanent: neither our joys, nor our sorrows. They come and go but we remain as we are This acceptance brings a sense of inner peace that no external achievement can match.

Benefits of Letting Go

Inner Peace

The most immediate benefit of letting go is peace. When we stop holding onto grudges, fears, and anxieties, we create room for serenity. The constant replay of negative memories or the endless pursuit of unattainable goals keeps us in a state of mental tension. Letting go frees us from this mental bondage and brings calmness to our minds.

Better Relationships

Many relationships break under the weight of unrealistic expectations and past acrimonies. By letting go of the need to control others, or the grudges we may hold against them, we allow relationships to breathe. Letting go means accepting others as they are, which fosters better understanding, patience, and love. And that is the root of long-lasting and enduring relationship.

Living in the Present

The past is gone, and future is uncertain. When we let go of attachments to past events or expectations for the future, we become more present. Living in present gives the pleasure of as of now not mindful of what may happen tomorrow. That is the blissful stage of living.

Personal Growth

Letting go often feels like a loss, but in reality, it is a gain. It opens the door to new experiences, perspectives, and opportunities. Whether we are letting go old beliefs, bitter relationships, or material possessions, we are making space for growth. That helps us to live better.

Strategies for Letting Go

It is not easy to develop an attitude of letting go. There is always a feeling that we are losing something. Hence, we need to develop deliberately an attitude that allows us to let go. Some of the possible strategies in this regard are:


The first step to letting go is accepting the reality as it is. Many of us spend time resisting what is happening or wishing things were different. This resistance causes suffering. When we accept that life is unpredictable and that we cannot control everything, we begin to free ourselves from unnecessary stress. Acceptance does not mean giving up; it means appreciation what is within our control and what is not.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness has been a great tool for many in the process of letting go. Mindfulness is the practice of observing our thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them. When we learn to observe our attachments, whether they are to material things, relationships, or emotions, we gain perspective. Meditation helps people focus on the present moment and release thoughts that no longer serves any purpose.


Forgiveness is essential to letting go. Holding onto resentment only keeps one stuck in the past. Forgiving others does not mean excusing their behaviour; it implies an implicit understanding that that is thing of the past. We all make mistakes, and holding onto guilt or regret prevents us from moving forward.

Decluttering One’s Life

Letting go is not just an emotional or mental practice, it can also be physical. Elders can start letting go of material possessions that no longer serve a purpose. Decluttering is a powerful way to practice letting go, as it forces one to understand what one really needs.

Letting Go of Expectations

One of the hardest things to let go of is our expectations. People often have a script in their mind about how things should go, how lives should unfold, how people should behave, how we should feel. But life rarely follows our plans. Letting go of rigid expectations allows us to adapt to life’s surprises with more grace.


Focusing on what we have, rather than what we lack, is a powerful way to shift our mindset. Gratitude helps us let go of the need for more in everything: success, possessions, admirations, among others. When we appreciate the present moment and what we already have, we stop chasing things that do not truly matter.


For an elder, the attitude of letting go is extremely important. As the time passes on with more worries and anxiety setting in this phase of life including a sense of loss of esteem, “letting go” is a practice that brings immense peace, emotional healing, and personal growth. Letting go allows them to move through remaining part of life with grace, accepting the ebb and flow of experiences without being weighed down by them. It does not mean they stop caring or become passive. It means they live with a sense of freedom and peace, knowing that everything is temporary. By letting go, they create space for “new purpose of life” in whatever the remaining span may be. Thus, the journey of life goes on peacefully and happily.

Article by Dr A K Sen Gupta, Chief Trustee, My Retired Life Foundation (MRLF).