Aries: Pic caption: Four of Cups

Dear Aries, this week you may feel a little tired, bored or uninspired. A big change in your career and projects is coming or is needed. You could get thinking about your future. There shall be an urge to spend without much thought. Make sure you juggle your finances mindfully. Fears pertaining to your home, marriage, family and finances could play on your mind. Some of you may feel unsupported or may need to ask for help. Be very careful with how you communicate. The right balance of boundaries and involvement with others is necessary.

Taurus: Pic caption: Three of Wands

Dear Taurus, this week you are going to be burdened with decision making. You could be offered options and choices and not all will be to your satisfaction. Take time to think, plan and decide from a practical and balanced standpoint. Pay attention to details and weigh things carefully. Do not let your past influence you. Empower yourself to take the lead on things. It is a good time for travel and exploration. Some of you may get the opportunity to communicate and mingle with your friends. In your personal life, your inner world shall be very emotionally aware and intuitive. You will be able to keep a calm demeanour no matter what is happening on the outside. 

Gemini: Pic caption: Ace of Swords

Dear Gemini, this week brings answers and tremendous clarity. There could be a sudden understanding or dawning which will bring healing into your life. Your emotional state shall improve to a great extent. Let the clarity of your mind reflect in your outer communication. It is time to bask in the joy and light around you. Release all the negativity stored in your mind and body. You are advised to create more structure in your schedule and thought processes. Be deliberate. Set a proper routine. Take your time to make decisions. ‘Slow and steady wins the race’ should be your mantra.

Cancer: Pic caption: Strength

Dear Cancerians, this week your inner strength is going to shine. You shall be brave and honest in your communication and demeanour. Your ability to take risks and overcome challenges shall be commendable. Your passion for life shall undergo a rebirth. Try to bring a touch of patience into your everyday world. Make time for self-love and give yourself a pat on the back for how far you have come on your journey. In matters of love and other relationships, keep conversations clear and straightforward. Do your best to stay away from old behaviour patterns and do not allow others to control your actions. 

Leo: Pic caption: Two of Cups

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Dear Leo, this week your attention shall be on emotions, love, romance, passion and connections. Some of you may get involved with a new romantic partner or your existing relationship could go through a reawakening. Your loved ones could bring much happiness into your life. You may find it hard to rest or relax, instead, you may want to go out and enjoy. You shall be sensitive and reactive to your environment and people around you. You will be more vocal about your inner world. Communication shall be your key to success during this period.  At work, you may want to take a breather from intense tasks and reduce your tension. 

Virgo: Pic caption: The Lovers

Dear Virgo, this week brings choices and risks. There is wish fulfilment and much emotional satisfaction in the cards, especially pertaining to new beginnings. It is time to reflect on your priorities, get more information, recharge and step into fresh waters. Work through your fears and clear out the clutter around you. There could be a change in your job or financial situation. Your past experience is going to come handy. Some of you need to focus on your mental and physical healing. In your personal life, you will stand your ground and put effort into making things work. You are going to be more practical about the give and take in your relationships. 

Libra: Pic caption: The Sun

Dear Libra, clarity will emerge, however, your vision may still seem blocked and you may find it hard to accept certain facts. Do not hide from your own truth and emotions. You may need time and space to think and fight back to bring about the outcome that you had expected. You may have to gather more information or come up with solutions before you step out of your comfort zone. Some of you may try to avoid or circumvent the issue entirely. Others may decide to travel or move away as an escape. Few of you could approach higher authorities or seek solace in your respective religious practices. You are advised to clear out the clutter so it leaves more space for things that matter. 

Scorpio: Pic caption: Three of Cups

Dear Scorpio, this week brings friendship, camaraderie, celebrations and happiness. You are stepping out of a difficult period. Trust that all will be well. It is divine timing for you to take a leap of faith and have a fresh beginning. Abundance and indulgence are here. Your passion for life shall be ignited. Tie up the loose ends and gather your inner-strength to adjust to a new way of life. Investigate and gather information so that you get a good look at what is coming. Some of you may invest in your health. Make the most of this period. 


Sagittarius: Pic caption: Six of Pentacles

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Dear Sagittarius, this week your attention is going to be on finances and financial decision-making. It is time to take a good look at your savings and work out your long-term money math. Slowly yet steadily you will be able to build a strong foundation to your material security and watch yourself grow financially. Find the right balance between your personal spending and offerings to others. Take firm decisions and do not get lost in shortcuts or illusions. Your emotional world is going to shine and thrive. You shall feel calm and collected. Your past experiences shall come in handy. It is a good time for collaborations, especially the creative kind. Steer clear from people who tie you down with too many rules or obligations.

Capricorn: Pic caption: Eight of Pentacles

Dear Capricorn, this week shall be about your finances, work, and lifestyle. It is important that you create more balance in these areas, especially with your financial offerings to others. Push through your insecurities surrounding your wealth. It is a lucky period to observe your own growth and reap certain financial rewards. Work related collaborations are indicated. Few of you may look for better financial opportunities outside your current location.  Your health could improve and see recovery, however, you will have trouble sticking to a proper regime. Some of you could face ageing related issues. Do not take your health issues lightly. 

Aquarius: Pic caption: The Empress

Dear Aquarius, it is time to bring your ideas to life and expand the horizons of your mind. This is an excellent period for higher education, reading, travel, exploration and philosophy. Work may become competitive and stressful. However, your hard work will pay off. This week brings some endings and new beginnings, especially pertaining to your personal life. Despite all the changes, you will be able to navigate these waters with a lot of dignity and flexibility. Pay attention to your physical health. Find sustainable ways to stick to a healthy schedule. Activities that improve your health and bring a sense of calm and relaxation are recommended. 

Pisces: Pic caption: Knight of Wands

Dear Pisces, this week could bring some choices and confusion. However, you will be full of energy, acceptance, enthusiasm and shining optimism to overcome any or every challenge. There is faith and trust in God/Universe. Hence, you will not worry too much. Make sure you take time to attend to details by diving deep into your tasks. Gather information till you have the necessary clarity. Some of you may start a new job, internship or secure a new financial opportunity. Learning, training and travel is indicated. You are going to be more prudent with your finances. 

Deck- White Sage Tarot