Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): MD drug worth around Rs 7,500 crore in international market was produced in the last six months in the Bhopal factory, said officials on Thursday. The factory was busted by ATS Gujarat and Narcotics Control Bureau’s Delhi unit on Sunday.

Around 907kg MD, both in liquid and solid forms, worth Rs 1,814 crore in international market too was seized during the raid.

Officials claimed that it took nine months to set up factory in Bagroda Industrial Complex and six months to start production.

Social media as school

Among the two arrested accused, Sanyal Bane had an idea about preparing the drug, Amit Chaturvedi had the knowledge of chemistry and trading liense.  For first three months, the duo set up the factory in Bhopal. Following failure of initial bid to make the drug, the duo turned to social media or internet to learn ‘trick of the trade’. “It took three months to prepare the drug,” said an NCB officer.  

Indore was first choice

Amit Chaturvedi, Sanyal Bane and Harish Anjana met in Indore and chalked plan to set up a factory. However, they were unsure of the site.  They initially wanted to base it in Indore. After failing to find a suitable site in Indore, they turned to Bhopal. Chaturvedi finalized the place and the factory came into being.