Pakistani actor and singer Ali Zafar, who has appeared in Bollywood films like Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Dear Zindagi and Chashme Baddoor, slammed Islamic preacher Zakir Naik for his controversial comments on unmarried women. For those unversed, a video has been doing the rounds on social media in which Naik compared single women to public property.

His comment did not go down well with Pakistanis and he is now being brutally slammed. Ali also criticised Naik and he also shared quotes from Quran to back his views.

Reacting to the viral video of Naik, Ali wrote on X, "With all due respect Dr. Sahab. There is always a third option. A woman can live a respectful and independent life, being a working woman or a mother, or both together, or the life she chooses for herself, just like millions of women around the world do and are equally respected by millions of men. The problem lies with the men who would see them as 'bazaari'."

The actor-singer stated that the Quran teaches men first to respect women and purity begins with one's own actions.

"Sir, respect is always mutual and that is what the Quran teaches. On a personal level, I feel we (men in general) have suppressed women enough for last many centuries and made them feel guilty for nothing. It’s time we correct ourselves first and let them flourish and follow their dreams like we want for ourselves. I hope you will not take offence to this healthy criticism. May peace be upon you,' Ali concluded his note.

Zakir Naik's viral video

While addressing a large gathering of people, the fugitive preacher said that an unmarried woman cannot be respected in society. He stated that he believes that if there are no single men, then a single woman should marry an already married man to be respected or she should be referred to as "public property."

"There is no way an unmarried woman can be respected. So, they have two options. First option is to get married to a man who already has a wife or she will become a 'bazaari aurat'. She will become a public property. I don't have a better word. So if I present this scenario to an unmarried woman, any respectable woman will opt for the first option," he said.

Naik is wanted in India on terrorism-related charges. He is reportedly on a tour in Pakistan.