Navi Mumbai: The political landscape in Navi Mumbai has seen a major shakeup, delivering a blow to Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde in his stronghold. Shiv Sena deputy leader Vijay Nahata, a key figure in the region, has resigned from the party following reports that the Belapur and Airoli assembly seats would be handed over to BJP’s Ganesh Naik and his son Sandeep. Upset by this decision, Nahata announced he would join the NCP (SP) and contest the upcoming elections as a candidate for the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) from Belapur.

What Led Nahata To Leave The Party?

Nahata's decision came after a high-level meeting of Mahayuti leaders with Union Home Minister Amit Shah, during which the Naik family’s candidature was confirmed. Having previously lost the Belapur seat to BJP’s Manda Mhatre by a narrow margin in 2014, Nahata was denied a ticket in the 2019 assembly elections as part of the Shiv Sena’s alliance with the BJP. His frustration grew, as he believed he had a strong chance of winning in 2019 but was asked to step aside for the alliance and a woman MLA's second term.

Nahata emphasized his loyalty to the party, recalling his years of hard work to strengthen Shiv Sena in Navi Mumbai. However, he expressed deep disappointment with how the BJP handled the alliance, claiming that Shiv Sena workers had been used only to boost BJP candidates’ victories without receiving any rewards in return. His supporters, already frustrated, urged him not to back down this time.

Nahata Approached By NCP (SP)

According to a Hindustan Times report, after learning of the candidate decisions in Delhi, Nahata was approached by NCP (SP) leaders. He said his supporters convinced him to join Sharad Pawar’s party, citing Pawar’s significant influence in the city. Nahata, who hails from Baramati and has good relations with Pawar, decided to make the move, joining the MVA with his supporters. Despite his departure, Nahata maintained his respect for Eknath Shinde, affirming that he holds no ill will towards the chief minister.