Mumbai: Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray launched a sharp criticism of the BJP-led state government, accusing it of betraying the people of Maharashtra. “BJP's Hindutva is about burning houses, while our Hindutva is about lighting stoves for the poor,” Thackeray stated. He alleged that two thugs of Gujarat (Narendra Modi and Amit Shah) are jealous of the development of Maharashtra, they are stealing companies from the state and taking it to Gujarat with the support of the 'corrupt' Mahayuti government.

Thackeray was addressing the 'Vajra Nirdhar Rally' at Shivaji Mandir auditorium at Dadar on Tuesday.

Reacting to the Ladki Bahin scheme, Thackeray criticised the BJP, claiming it has degraded the slogan “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao”. He said that women should be given jobs instead of Rs 1,500. Thackeray also urged his party workers to support a government that adheres to the ideals of Phule, Shahu.

Thackeray, while criticising Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, stated that the government is frequently announcing new schemes and conducting numerous advertisements and programmes to publicise them. He said, “The question is being asked to sisters is 'Have you received money?” Uddhav further asked Shinde, “Is it your own money? You have received Rs50 crore to join hands with BJP and gives just Rs1,500 to Ladki Bahin.”

He further asserted that Shiv Sena still stand with Hindutva but not with BJP. “My grandfather fought against the wrong Hindutvaists of that time. I left BJP, but that does not mean that we have left Hindutva. My Hindutva is comprehensive but BJP's Hindutva is for election purposes.”

The former chief minister accused the Mahayuti government of setting “fake” narratives in the state through advertisements, ahead of the high-stakes assembly polls.

'Will support any CM face by allies'

Thackeray declared that he will support any chief ministerial candidate announced by allies Congress or NCP (SP) to 'save' Maharashtra, repeating a demand for the second time since August.

Thackeray made the remarks on a day when his ally Congress suffered a setback in Haryana, where the BJP appears set to form government for a record third time in row.

“I say that Congress or NCP should declare the face of the Chief Minister and I will support them right now Because Maharashtra is important for us,” Thackeray said.

“I had never asked for a CM post when MVA formed the government in 2019. Then how can I expect now,” said Uddhav.