Conscious Vaastu bridges the gap between traditional Vaastu principles and the practical requirements, using the principles of space, time, and consciousness. It offers a comprehensive approach to balance the energy.

In continuation with the previous article on water element in connection with bathrooms and toilets, in this article we would like narrate a case study with a very practical approach of Conscious Vaastu.

Case study

In one residential project, a client reported ongoing health issues. He tried his level best and conducted his own research on Vaastu. He concluded that there was Vaastu dosh (Vaastu defects) in his apartment since the bathroom was positioned behind his bed, which was the likely culprit. After being aware of this issue, his focus completely shifted on the Vaastu Dosh which led to severe fear. He went to an extent of shifting in another bedroom. But his health issues did not improve. On realising that such experiments of moving the rooms aren’t really working, prompted him to seek professional assistance.

After visiting the client’s space, our team discovered the drainage pipe of the bathroom was directly behind the bed, negatively affecting the bedroom’s energy. The energy also wasn’t feeling right in another bedroom where he had shifted. Further, our readings and observations revealed that a swimming pool was located several floors below his apartment. Although the pool was not directly beneath the bedroom, its energy still influenced the energy of bedroom.

The understanding we achieve from this case study is that water is a powerful media which has lot of sensitivity. Water being a fluid element, when in incorrect location, creates instability in energy flow that affects the inner resilience power. When the inner resistance power is low, health issues generally occur. Now, if a person’s energy is weak, the adverse effects of incorrectly placed water are magnified. However, strong personal energy can mitigate these impacts. Thus, the ultimate goal is to work on improving the personal as well as inner energy alignment to enhance the resilience power.

Another important observation is that there are multiple bedrooms directly above the swimming pool, all aligned vertically with it. This situation caused additional discomfort for the gentleman, particularly because his personal energy was quite low. This is a common situation in many apartments.

Following are a few easy steps in Conscious Vaastu to address such situations.

Avoid abrupt changes: Important thing to understand is abrupt relocations or changes in the bedroom can lead to mental discomfort and sleep disturbances in many cases.

Take practical steps: Avoid changing things around in your space without finding the root cause of imbalance in energy. Take steps that are practical and easily adaptable.

Identify water sources: Assess the presence of water elements around your living space, especially in and around the bedroom. Check for the presence of overhead and underground water tanks, swimming pools, and sewage plants.

Reposition the bed: If the drainage pipe is directly behind the bed, consider moving the bed to another wall. If impractical, consult a Conscious Vaastu professional for a technical solution.

Utilise a tall headboard: A tall wooden headboard can insulate the bed from water energy. Ensure it is well-attached to the bed.

Consider wooden flooring: If there is a swimming pool, underground water tank or sewage treatment plant, below the bedroom, wooden flooring can serve as an effective barrier.

Seek professional guidance: If a pool or water body is located above the bedroom, professional intervention may be necessary for effective solutions.

Shift your focus: Rather than concentrating on Vaastu dosh, shift your focus toward identifying simple and practical solutions to address them.

Below are other important understanding of Conscious Vaastu for dealing with health issues, especially with water energy around the sleeping area:

Sleep quality: Focusing on sleep quality rather than quantity is essential for health. Quality sleep is the best healer and helps in rejuvenating inner energy.

Dim lights: Reduce lighting 30 to 45 minutes before sleep to signal the mind and body that’s it’s time for good night sleep.

Limit EMF: Minimise the use of electromagnetic field like using cell phone or watching television around 30 to 45 minutes prior to sleep.

Conscious eating: Adopt conscious eating habits that support overall energy.

Incorporate relaxation techniques: Engage in calming practices to enhance sleep quality.

Maintain consistent sleep schedule: Establish a routine to promote optimal rest.


There are multiple aspects that needs to be integrated while dealing with space energy balancing. Integrating Conscious Vaastu principles can significantly enhance harmony in both personal energy and space energy.

By addressing both the physical environment and individual energy, helps to cultivate a balanced atmosphere conducive to health and wellness. Combining personal

energy upliftment with space energy balancing effectively improves overall energy levels and resilience, promoting a harmonious living experience.

(Dr Harshit Kapadia is a metaphysics consultant of Conscious Vaastu, Yuen Hom and Sam Hap Style of Feng Shui)