Looking for an inexpensive international holiday to rewind and relax? You need not go further than our neighbouring country, Thailand. With its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and fascinating cuisine, it is the perfect destination to eat, sleep, drink, and repeat. 

Additionally, Thailand can also provide you with some adrenaline rush through paragliding, deep sea diving, snorkelling, parasailing, and even trekking. Still not convinced? Discover the history of Thailand when you visit Ayutthaya, a UNESCO World Heritage site, or the national parks with its lush rainforest and diverse fauna or visit the floating market and experience shopping uniquely.      

Simply put, this amazing country has a little something for all sorts of travellers. No wonder it is the most sought-after destination for all sort of travellers.

You must be supercharged and ready to pack your bags and cameras for a memorable vacation with your family. But all fun aside, there are some important tips to note for ensuring a safe and stress-free trip. After all, you will be in a foreign land with limited financial resources. One of the crucial aspects of your trip preparation should be acquiring an international travel insurance that can take care of any unforeseen exigencies that you may face abroad!     

Read on to understand why you should bag a travel insurance plan before taking off from your home country.

Why Go For a Travel Insurance Before You Jet-Off?

Well, new adventures, new places, trying new food, everything is awesome, till it doesn't surprise you with accidents and mind-boggling hospital bills. So, whether you are a light traveller, luxury traveller or a budget traveller, insurance should be on your to-do list.

The reasons can be :

1. Medical Exigencies:
While Thailand has adequate healthcare facilities to take care of your medical needs, the costs for treatments of any condition, from serious illness to minor injuries, can be quite steep. In private hospitals, minor illnesses like food poisoning and tropical fevers can often lead to hefty medical expenses. With kids in tow, this can seriously upset your entire travel budget. However, a travel insurance covering you for in-patient and Out-patient expenses can save you from paying medical bills out-of-pocket in a foreign land!

2. Adventure Sports:
Thailand is a place known for watersports. And if you are driven by your adrenaline you are sure to try your luck, snorkelling, deep sea diving, underwater walk etc. While these sound and look exciting, you can always end up with a twisted ankle, a bruise from a coral or a bite from poisonous sea fish. Having travel insurance covering adventure activities will alleviate the hassles of paying extra from your pocket, and add to your peace of mind.

3. Trip Delays, Extensions or Cancellations:
Life happens, and not everything happens as you plan. You should always expect the unexpected and be emergency-ready. A family mishap, sudden illness, bad weather, or technical issues can delay or cancel your trips.

Being an international destination, you might not have alternative options to reach your desired destination and may have to cancel accommodation and activities booked. Thailand travel insurance will help cover that cost, which otherwise becomes an extra financial burden.

4. Lost or Stolen Baggage:
As it is a tourist hub, it is also a haven for pickpocketers and petty thieves. Lost or stolen baggage or official documents like passports can be real headaches while travelling. Even a delay in check-in baggage can delay your trip. Travel insurance that offers financial coverage for such petty issues can save you the unwanted hassles that can ruin your vacation days.

5. Environmental Disasters or Political Instability:
Natural calamities may come without a warning. Be it floods, earthquakes or even governmental unrest, these unprecedented events can put you off your planned trip due to financial distress. International travel insurance acts as your guardian angel in such situations. It ensures you are covered for such financially derailing situations in advance. 

Now that you know why, it's time to check out how to choose the right Thailand travel insurance that suits your requirements. If you fly solo, check for inbuilt benefits that make your travel seamless. If you would rather travel with family, look for a comprehensive insurance package that extends the cover to all the members under one umbrella. If you are a seasoned traveller and enjoy multiple trips annually, choose an annual plan with multiple trip coverage, easy renewals and in-house claim settlement. 

Pro Tips for Choosing The Best Travel Insurance For Your Thailand Escape 

Consider these smart hacks to choose the right travel insurance plan for your trip. These pointers will help you decide which plan should you invest in for hassle-free travel to the land of beaches. The types of coverage can be broadly divided into medical-related, journey-related and baggage-related. 

The details are as follows : 

1. Comprehensive Medical Coverage and Assistance:
A medical emergency cannot be delayed or waited upon. You need to ensure that the policy provides wholesome coverage for all possible medical requirements like hospital stays, personal accidents, medical evacuation, and repatriation of mortal remains.

2. Focused Trip Coverage:
Flight delays and cancellations should not be the reason for a trip setback with the policy coverage. In case pre-booked accommodations and activities are non-refundable, the policy coverage will be enough to save you from these excess expenditures. If you need a duplicate passport or ID document, the coverage should provide the expenses. A medical emergency can either curtail your trip or extend it. Choose a coverage which ensures emergency hotel accommodation for individuals under the policy. Some insurers may also provide hijack distress allowances. Your insurer may also help you get emergency cash and arrange urgent remittances from your family back in India.

3. Covering Your Belongings:  

You can lose your baggage during transit or your check-in baggage might be delayed for days. It may so happen that your baggage and belongings are stolen in a crowded tourist spot. These are beyond your control. What you can do is go for a policy which compensates for your vacation essentials like clothing, toiletries and medication so that you can enjoy the rest without worrying over what is lost or stolen.

4. Higher Coverage Limits:
When you travel, more is better. High coverage ensures peace of mind. Some policies offer minimal coverage, and you need to pay more for additional benefits.

5. Comparing Policies and Reviews:
It is always wise to measure your options. There are a host of insurance companies offering varied benefits and coverage. Compare the coverage and benefits to choose the best. To understand the claim process, you can also read the reviews and comments that existing clients leave on the websites. The right policy should meet your needs and budget. Research the provider’s reputation for smooth claim settlement and excellent customer assistance. 

A Final Thought

As morbid as it sounds, you need to preempt emergencies in your travel and choose travel insurance that relieves you of mental agony and stress that you may face later if you choose to ignore this aspect of international travel. 

While choosing a policy, keep in mind your own and your family’s needs. Whether it is snorkelling or parasailing in the Arabian Sea, trekking through Chang Mai jungles, or exploring Ayutthaya heritage and Thai Cuisine, prepare for emergencies that may force you to curtail your entertainment and put pressure on your finances. 

From medical emergencies to lost baggage, from natural calamities to man-made hijacking, be ready to combat any dire situation with the help of your insurance provider. Keep your insurance provider's number and customer assistance numbers handy. Add the local emergency service numbers and emergency contacts back home to this list to have a safe journey and create lifelong memories. 

Stop stressing over what-ifs and set sail for an unforgettable Thailand adventure. You are now ready for whatever wild twists the trip throws at you!