Women with heart disease may or may not present in the same way or with the same symptoms as men. Typical symptoms of a cardiac ailment in men or women are usually chest discomfort on exertion, which typically could be behind the sternum or it could be on either side of the chest or on both sides of the chest. It could radiate to the arms or it could radiate to the angle of the jaw.

When the symptoms typically happen, they are labelled as angina. But if a patient is suffering a heart attack, these symptoms can be persistent and quite excruciating till the patients treatment is done.

Symptoms in women

It is a misconception that women have completely different symptoms to men while having a heart attack. Women usually have the same typical symptoms. But very often, symptoms in women are underplayed to a large extent, especially in the Indian community where the focus is entirely on the male population in many societies. And this is not unusual.

Women often tend to hide their symptoms because of their day-to-day regular work and activities and very often these symptoms get missed. If any woman has any form of unusual acidity, which has not been there in the past, or very commonly, another common symptom that they complain of is “ghabaraman,” which means a feeling of chest discomfort / anxiety / heaviness, it is always better to do an ECG and rule out that there is no cardiac issue.

Who is at risk

Women who are obese, diabetic, hypertensive, with a strong family history of heart disease, high cholesterol values, and also those who have the Metabolic Syndrome which is a combination of factors like truncal obesity, a deranged triglyceride level in the blood, deranged insulin sensitivity or abnormal glucose tolerance, and those women with polycystic ovarian disease fall into the category who have to be more careful about their symptoms and be watchful because they are at a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease.

Prioritizing heart health is essential for women to lead long, vibrant, and fulfilling lives. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, yet many are unaware of the unique risks. By focussing on heart-healthy activities, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, and frequent medical check-ups, women can significantly reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Signs women shouldn’t ignore of heart attack

Excessive fatigue 

Women who experience severe fatigue, breathlessness, exhaustion and sweating after a routine activity like taking a shower, etc should be investigated to R/o Coronary Artery Disease. These could be atypical manifestation of angina.

Jaw pain

In women who experience inter-scapular pain which is discomfort between the scapulae on the back or experience jaw pain on exertion, should be subjected to further investigations and should see their Physician or Cardiologist. 

Persistent gastric like issues

Many women complain of symptoms which sound like gastritis, which causes them to continuously burp. Burping or belching might indicate gas in the stomach and acidity, but it can also indicate a heart attack, particularly in diabetics when normal signs might not show up.


Women report with breathing difficulties after exertion or an acute episode of breathing problems, which is frequently misdiagnosed as asthma. They usually experience this in the middle of the night while they are lying down, and they feel much better when they sit up. But if the symptoms don't subside, they should seek medical help immediately.

Abdomen pain

The additional symptoms that one should be aware of include, once again, discomfort, usually in the upper belly which is very very uncommon.  If no other reason is found for the pain, an ECG may be required to rule out cardiac problems.

Dr. Ajit Menon Is A Senior Interventional Cardiologist At Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital