Author Chetan Bhagat is known in the nook and corner of the country and beyond. His latest offerings are always looked forward to by his fans. And the movies based on his books have earned millions.

His latest offering is 11 Rules for Life on Audible based on his book by the same name. This life-changing offering is based on Bhagat's most personal book yet in which he shares his failures and triumphs, talks about big achievements and his journey as a motivational speaker. This simple guide will be great in helping you succeed in this competitive world.

What exactly is 11 Rules of Life all about? Anything from your personal life we can find here?

11 Rules of Life is a practical guide to help people become the best version of themselves and live their best lives. It's based on what I've learned from my experiences, both personal and professional. Whether it’s balancing career, relationships, or self-growth, these are principles I’ve discovered through trial and error. Yes, you’ll find personal anecdotes, but the focus is on offering universal lessons. I’ve included stories from my life, like dealing with failures and handling criticism, which I think many listeners will relate to and find inspiring.

What made you turn the book into an audiobook, that too for Audible?

I wanted to connect with people who may not have time to sit down and read but still want to engage with motivating and impactful content. The audiobook format allows me to reach a wider audience—commuters, multitaskers, and people who enjoy learning on the go. Plus, Audible’s platform has such a strong community of listeners who actively seek out content like this. Making it an Audible Original was a natural choice to give it a unique and exclusive touch.

You have also narrated the audiobook. Was it an unusual experience since you are a writer and this is a different way to present your book?

Yes, narrating was a different experience, but it was exciting too. Writing is silent—it’s just me and the words. But narrating made the content come alive in a way that allowed me to communicate directly with the listener. It felt more intimate like I was having a one-on-one conversation. I enjoyed the process because it gave me control over the tone and emphasis, ensuring that my message came across exactly the way I intended.

What are the elements in the audiobook you would want to share with readers and your followers that are quite interesting and motivating?

The audiobook is full of actionable advice that anyone can apply immediately to improve their life. I’ve focused on keeping it conversational and relatable, which makes it accessible for listeners from all walks of life. Whether it’s about time management, handling criticism, or self-discipline, these are lessons that I have personally found valuable. One of the more interesting parts is the way I've intertwined real-life examples to make the points more relatable and easier to digest while keeping the tone motivational.

There are quite a few books and audiobooks in the category your audiobook or book is in. Do you feel the competition or pressure in them doing well?

I think competition exists in every field, but I don't see it as pressure. I feel it keeps me motivated to bring something unique to the table. I focus more on the content and how it can genuinely benefit people. The truth is, that each author brings their voice and perspective. If my work resonates with even a small group of listeners, then it's a success for me. The goal is to offer something that adds value, not just to be better than others.

How is your relationship with audiobooks and Audible in general? What do you listen to?

I've become quite fond of audiobooks, especially to consume content when I'm short on time. Audible has been a fantastic partner in this journey. The platform is easy to use and has a wide range of titles. I enjoy listening to both fiction and non-fiction—whether it's stories to escape into or insightful self-help books that provide new perspectives. Audiobooks are a great medium because they allow multitasking. So, I can listen while exercising or travelling, making it a very efficient way to learn.

Finally, the one rule from the audiobook close to you?

Well, I like all the 11 Rules. That's why I wrote 11 Rules for Life. But let's say the first rule – Never ignore your fitness. People underestimate the far-reaching benefits of fitness beyond your physical body. Your mental health, mood, and productivity – all improve with just one change in your life.

Rapid fire questions:

Paperback or Hardcover

Paperback, but honestly – any book

Indian or Western Mythology

Indian of course.

Your favourite recent Indian author

Manu Joseph

Favourite and least favourite of your books

Five Point Someone is my favourite (made me who I am). One Night at the Call Centre at least (could have done a better job)

Best Chetan Bhagat Book movie

Kai Po Che

Regional authors you would love to be translated

Not the best guy to answer this one.