Ahmedabad: In a major crackdown on cybercrime, a team of more than 250 Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials conducted raids on over 35 illegal call centers in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

The operation, which took place during nighttime hours when these fraudulent operations are most active, was aimed at dismantling call centers that have been extorting foreign nationals by luring them into financial scams. While the full results of the raids are yet to be disclosed, this large-scale effort marks a significant step in combating the rising cases of cyber fraud in Gujarat.

Why Ahmedabad?

The city of Ahmedabad has become a hotspot for cyber fraud operations, with numerous illegal call centers targeting victims abroad, particularly in countries like the United States. These call centers often pose as legitimate financial services, offering loans or credit card services to unsuspecting individuals. Once they gain their trust, they extort money under false pretenses, transferring their ill-gotten gains to accounts abroad.

For some time now, the CBI has been actively tracking the rise of cyber fraud in Gujarat, building connections between fraudulent activities in cities like Visakhapatnam, Kolkata, and Hyderabad. Following a series of coordinated raids in those cities, the CBI traced further illegal activities to Ahmedabad, prompting the recent crackdown. Ahmedabad's growing notoriety as a base for such call centers has made it a focal point for law enforcement.

The Scale of the Operation

The scale of the CBI's operation in Ahmedabad is unprecedented, involving over 350 officials working to uncover the vast network of illegal call centers. Raids were conducted across multiple locations throughout the city, targeting businesses that had been flagged as hubs of cyber fraud activity. The CBI conducted these raids primarily at night when the operations of these centers peaked, given that their targets, mostly foreign nationals, were awake in different time zones.

It is believed that these illegal call centers generate vast sums of money, with owners earning in foreign currency, particularly US dollars. Many victims are lured in by offers of loans or credit cards, only to find themselves scammed out of their money. The success of these scams has led to a growing cybercrime industry in the region, one that the CBI and local authorities are now determined to dismantle.

Nexus with Authorities?

One of the concerning aspects of the case is the potential nexus between the operators of these illegal call centers and local authorities or police. The rapid growth of these fraudulent operations, combined with the scale of money involved, has raised suspicions that some of these call centers may be operating under the protection of influential individuals. However, with the CBI's recent raids, these connections are being investigated, and more details may emerge as the operation progresses.

Cybercrime on the Rise

The rise of cybercrime in Gujarat mirrors a growing global trend, with scammers becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods. While local police have taken action against some of these bogus call centers, the scope and complexity of the issue have led the CBI to take a more active role.