Mumbai: Western Railway (WR) is set to improve working conditions for its train drivers by installing toilet facilities in locomotives, addressing a significant concern for female crew members.

Currently, only six locomotives are equipped with toilets—two in the Ahmedabad division, three in the Mumbai Central division, and one in the Vadodara division. However, WR has received approval to add toilets to 80 more locomotives, with plans for an additional 460 under consideration.

The phased installation will prioritize locomotives used for goods transport, an essential step as these trains frequently experience unscheduled stops, which disproportionately affect female drivers. One female driver shared her struggle of avoiding water intake for hours to circumvent using makeshift spots along the tracks, particularly highlighting the difficulties faced during menstruation.

Union leaders have emphasized the urgent need for these facilities, noting that freight trains often stop in remote and unsafe areas, increasing risks for all crew members, especially women. "The working conditions must align with the principles of inclusivity and gender equality," said an anonymous railway worker.

As WR advances this initiative, it underscores a commitment to creating safe and dignified working environments for all railway professionals.