Imagine you are hungry and are opening a salad pouch you recently purchased from a store, only to find a toad looking at you from the bag. You would scream out loud after spotting the unexpected creature inside your food pack, won't you? Something similar happened when a person unwrapped a salad bag bought from a supermarket in England.

A staff from Waitrose distribution center in Bracknell reached out to the animal rescue team in the area after they came across a toad hiding inside a salad bag. Did they ensure this wasn't placed at the shelves and no customer picks it accidentally? No!

They learned about the salad bag carrying a live toad only after a customer complained about it. Soon, they kept the pouch aside and rang the rescuers for assistance. Berkshire Reptile Rescue addressed the incident and stated that the toad was discovered in a bag of salad by a customer and returned to Waitrose.

Toad rescued, isolated

The incident was reported by the international media who spoke to a rescuer who collected the toad safely and isolated it until it was figured out how it landed inside the food material.

"I have no idea where he came from but he's happy where he is... We are just going to keep him," rescuer Graham Martin told the BBC. He said so while pointing out that incidents of such nature had surprisingly become common in recent times, where people were seen seeking his help for stowaway reptiles in their holiday luggage or in imported fruit and vegetables.