In a now viral video of a troubling incident at Miranda House College, Delhi University, a group of people allegedly stormed into college and injured several female students. This incident reported took place on Wednesday, around noon, amid the Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) elections.

According to the rules, the DUSU constitution allows only 4 students, along with the DUSU candidate, to enter the premises of a college in DU, but the group of people who barged in broke these rules.

Notably, it is being alleged that Ronak Khatri, the NSUI presidential candidate for DUSU, along with a group of NSUI supporters were the ones who broke into the college.

ABVP Secretary candidate for DUSU, Mitravinda Karanwal, stated in a public statement, "The incident of forcefully entering a women's college by an NSUI candidate and bringing male outsiders, in large numbers, inside the college is shameful. ABVP strongly condemns such violent behaviour of NSUI goons in women's college campuses. ABVP stands united with the girl-students of Miranda House College who felt unsafe during this incident and strongly demands action into the matter."

The footage shows many students present at the scene, and it can be said that a sense of fear spread across the campus as the incident took place.

When female students tried to stop the intruding group from entering, they were met with aggression. The intruders behaved badly, pushing and shoving the girls, which made the situation even more dangerous.