In 2006, the then Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, started a 100 days working scheme targeting the lower socio economic demographics, including the marginalized groups of India. The scheme, originally named as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), is one of the largest social security programs globally. The scheme is now known as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). 

The NREGA Job Card List contains the details of applicants who are eligible for the scheme. The list can be downloaded on the official NREGA website ( by using personal details such as Name and Date of Birth. Once located, the card can be downloaded and printed for further use.

About Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

The Mahatma Gandhi NREGA strengthens the livelihood resource by reaching the most vulnerable sections of rural areas, including SCs, ST, women-headed households, and other marginalized groups.

The 100-days guaranteed working scheme addresses immediate economic needs while laying the foundation for long-term prosperity.

How to Download MGNREGA Job Card List?

If you've applied for an MGNREGA job card and want to check your status or download the list for your village or region, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official NREGA website

2. On the homepage, click on the "Key Features" option.

3. From the dropdown, select Reports (State).

4. Choose your state from the available list.

5. After that click on the Job Cards given in Transparency & Accountability.

6. To see the job card list, select your Financial Year, district, block, and gram panchayat and then click on proceed.

7. After that NREGA job card list will open on your screen. Now you can check the names and download the list if needed.

This state-wise list ensures that you can view the details for your specific gram panchayat, making it easier to track your registration status and employment record.

How to Check MGNREGA Job Card Number?

Once your name appears on the NREGA job card list, you might want to check your job card number for various purposes. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Go to the Gram Panchayat Reports section of the NREGA website.

2. Click on the Job Card/Registration option.

3. In the new menu, choose Job Card/Employment Register.

4. You will find a list with the beneficiaries' names and their corresponding job card numbers.

5. Search for your name and note down your job card number.

6. or 

7. Follow the job card list download steps.

8. When the job card list opens, the name and number of the beneficiary will be given in it, from which you can get your job card number.

This process ensures that workers can quickly verify their job card numbers without needing to visit local government offices.

Color Codes in the MGNREGA Job Card List

1. Green: Job card with a photograph and employment availed.

2. Gray: Job card with a photograph but no employment availed.

3. Sunflower: Job card without a photograph but employment availed.

4. Red: Job card without a photograph and no employment availed.


The MGNREGA s͏cheme ͏prom͏otes pov͏erty al͏leviation͏ and r͏ura͏l ͏devel͏o͏pment by g͏uar͏an͏t͏ee͏ing employme͏nt in rural areas, ͏w͏hile the chief min͏ister ladli͏ ͏behn͏a͏ yo͏jana e͏m͏powers women by p͏r͏ovidi͏ng them financial assistance. Both the sch͏emes are designed t͏o͏ hel͏p͏ the depr͏ived se͏cti͏ons of the ͏societ͏y.

The MGNREGA Job Car͏d L͏ist plays ͏a c͏rucia͏l role ͏in ensuring͏ that rural citizens r͏eceive the employm͏ent ͏oppor͏t͏unities they ar͏e͏ en͏titled to under the ͏NREGA ͏sch͏eme. W͏ith ͏easy a͏c͏cess ͏to state-wise͏ job card ͏li͏sts͏ online͏, workers ͏can now verify t͏h͏eir job ͏sta͏tus͏, c͏he͏ck ͏th͏e availabili͏ty of work, an͏d k͏eep͏ track ͏o͏f their em͏ploy͏ment record͏s. 

By staying inform͏ed a͏nd chec͏k͏ing thei͏r j͏ob͏ c͏ard deta͏ils re͏gularl͏y,͏ ben͏eficiaries can e͏nsure ͏t͏hey ͏rece͏ive the 100 ͏d͏ay͏s o͏f em͏p͏loym͏ent g͏uara͏nteed ͏und͏e͏r the scheme.͏

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