A disturbing video has surfaced online, revealing a conversation between a young Muslim schoolgirl and her teacher. The girl, fueled by religious intolerance, brazenly declares her intention to harm her Hindu girl named, Pallavi, solely because of her faith.

The clip, posted by @MeghUpdates on X, has gone viral, sparking widespread condemnation.

In the video, the young Muslim girl tells her teacher that she will harm Pallavi because of her Hindu faith. When asked which god she follows, the girl replies, "Allah," and warns that those who don't follow Allah will face severe punishment.

When the teacher inquires how she plans to harm Pallavi, the girl shockingly reveals that she has a weapon at home.

While the video does not provide information about which school the girl belongs to, netizens have expressed outrage, blaming the girl's parents for instilling hatred and brainwashing their child.

Watch The Video Here:

"This is terrifying! Even their kids are filled with hate. What kind of parents teach this to children?" commented one user.

"Shocking! If a child can be corrupted like this, imagine what's happening with the youth who can actually wield weapons," shared another.

"I don't know what they're teaching their children; it might seem good to them now, but later they're harming themselves," added a third.