In 2015, when Rajat Jadhav first ventured into the e-pharmacy space, his initial startup didn’t soar as expected. But within the challenge lay an important insight: Nearly 40% of the orders coming in were related to sexual wellness. 

Despite the primitive state of the app and the struggles of young entrepreneurs trying to break into a competitive market, one clear signal emerged. The niche segment of sexual wellness that often goes unspoken due to its sensitive nature, was a critical pain point for many men in India. And only a few viable solutions were catering to it.

A few years later, armed with a deeper knowledge of consumer behaviour and the gaps in the market, Jadhav launched Bold Care along with co-founders Rahul Krishnan, Harsh Singh and Mohit Yadav. The brand singularly focused on improving men's sexual wellness. “What we found was that people wanted privacy, ease and a reliable solution that they could access from the comfort of their homes,” Jadhav recalls. 

With this in mind, Bold Care was positioned as an online-first brand, offering discreet consultations and a wide range of products for sexual health issues like premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Filling A Void In Men's Wellness

When Bold Care officially launched in July 2020, there were only a few brands addressing the men's sexual health space. And by their estimates, close to 98 million men were left without clear solutions. “If I ask you to name a men’s sexual health brand, what comes to mind? Probably nothing, right? I’ve asked this question to hundreds of people over the years — none of whom could give me an answer.” 

There was a clear gap in the demand and supply that led Bold Care to position itself as a holistic solution provider in the category. Societal attitudes were slowly shifting, and the stigma surrounding sexual health was beginning to erode. Jadhav points out that the average age of men facing these issues is decreasing, making it all the more important for an accessible and trustworthy brand to step up.

Today, Bold Care’s product line spans from PE and ED solutions to condoms and lubricants. “We’ve focused on ensuring that our products offer the highest efficacy, which is crucial in this industry.” From innovative product packaging to minimalistic design, the brand is laser-focused on user experience and trust.

In Comes Ranveer Singh

Bold Care made headlines in 2022 when Ranveer Singh was announced as a co-founder and brand ambassador. Although Singh had been working behind the scenes with the company for over a year, the public announcement brought the brand into the mainstream consciousness. Jadhav tells us that Singh worked closely with the team to refine the brand's messaging for almost a year before the partnership was announced.

The impact was significant. “Since Ranveer came on board, we’ve grown almost 250% in the last 12 months.” Bold Care campaigns, powered by Singh’s star power, reached millions of men in both Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities across India. The partnership not only gave the brand visibility but also helped in breaking the societal taboos around discussing men's sexual health.

Marketing Responsibly

“The men’s sexual wellness category has been frothy for decades, with products that often don't work.” In an industry rife with exaggerated promises and dubious products, Bold Care takes a different approach. The brand prioritises transparency and real solutions, focusing on what its products can genuinely achieve, rather than overpromising.

Marketing in such a sensitive area requires a delicate balance between catching attention and being responsible. While campaigns have helped to build awareness, Jadhav tells us that the trust comes from “the fact that we’ve been in the market for four years, that we have great reviews, and that our products work.”

In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, intercourse is at its very base. Sexual issues affect a very core part of your life like your relationship with your partner, which indirectly affects your work and personal life and even the way you think about yourself.

Interestingly, another thing that worked in their favour was not over-sexualising their products. Their package design is minimalistic with no graphics and they even introduced discreet disposable bags for condoms — a feature born from the real-life concerns of users.

The Road Ahead

Bold Care has ambitious plans for the future. Currently, the company operates solely online, but Jadhav foresees substantial growth potential within Q-commerce. With over 80% of sales happening through e-commerce platforms and Q-commerce gaining momentum, the brand is poised for further expansion in the digital marketplace.

The product portfolio is also expanding. Bold Care now boasts around 45 SKUs, covering everything from sexual health solutions to condoms and lubes. They continue to innovate by launching new product formats, like a gel-based solution for someone uncomfortable with a spray form.

How Loyalty Is Built

When a brand wants to make its way into the most intimate parts of a person's life, there is no room for error. Because if a customer tries a product and it doesn’t work, ruining an important moment for them, they will likely blacklist that brand forever.  

Jadhav concludes by giving us an example that highlights the extent to which they prioritise product efficacy: “If we ever launch a product for penis enlargement, it will do well from a purely financial point of view. Within the first few months, there will be enough people who would want to try it. But the issue is that there is no real product for penis enlargement. And having a product like that which doesn’t work, would irreparably break brand trust.” 

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It's the small but significant things that build trust. Putting customer needs first and resisting the temptation to chase quick profits through gimmicky solutions have been the key cultivators of their loyal user base. And for Jadhav, that is their ultimate measure of success.