Pakistani authorities have found that a police official was involved as a key facilitator in Peshawar mosque bombings that killed more than 100 people in the year 2023. Pakistani news outlet Express Tribune has reported that a police constable by the name Wali played an important role and provided crucial information to the suicide bomber who carried out the attack. It has been also revealed that Wali also made two trips to Afghanistan.

Reports in Pakistani media said that Constable Wali hails from Mohmand, a tribal district. Wali, who worked in Peshawar Police for seven years, has supported terrorist ideology. He reportedly helped the suicide bomber by facilitating access to the mosque in a uniform. Wali also gave him advice on procedures

Authorities have questioned Wali's family members and two individuals have been arrested from his home.

The investigators have recently nabbed the mastermind of the mosque attack. Wali's involvement became apparent after that.

The mosque bombing

Peshawar mosque bombing took place on January 30, 2023. The blasts occurred during Friday prayers. In spite of the mosque being a heavily guarded location, the suicide bomber was able to gain entry and detonate the explosives during Zohr prayers. The explosion caused the roof of the mosque collapse on those who had gathered to pray.

More than 100 people were killed and many more were injured. The mosque bombing again brought to the fore terrorist activities inside Pakistan.