Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor's sister, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, is facing backlash on social media for her tone deaf comment on 'house helps' during one of her interviews. A video from her old interview has been doing the rounds on the internet in which she explains why she wants her daughter Samara to stay away from social media.

During the conversation, Riddhima expressed concern over online negativity, saying, "May be it is the house help commenting, who knows?" Her remark sparked outrage on Reddit, with many users criticising her for implying that online trolls could be domestic workers.

In the now-viral clip, she is heard saying, "I want her (Samara) off social media. But I told her that if you still want to continue with your account, don't be affected and you can't keep reading all your comments. People will write all sorts of things. Anyone is sitting anywhere and writing these comments. May be it is the house help commenting, who knows?"

What is wrong with this family!
byu/meinyahannhihu inBollyBlindsNGossip

Slamming Riddhima, a user commented under the video, "Eska matlab house help ko tum log pakka subhumans ki tarah treat karte hoge khud hi expose kardia apne aap ko."

Another user wrote, "Everything she said made sense except when she said househelp as a classist remark. Like house help is not supposed to be on social media and all trolls are from a class below them. If only she realised how much class hierarchy is baked into her thinking."

"Insanely unnecessary, classist/elitist, and even senseless… who and why would anyone use house help as an insult? It's an honest way of earning a living. I understand her sentiments about her daughter’s social media presence, but no one’s honest bread & butter—and one on which the Kapoor clan & Mrs Kapoor Sahani may be themselves very dependent!—should ever be used in a derogatory manner like so," another angry user commented.

Riddhima is an entrepreneur and is known for her fashion brand, R Jewelry. She married businessman Bharat Sahni in 2006. Riddhima and Bharat have a daughter named Samara.

Riddhima has always stayed away from the big screen and was certain of not entering the showbiz like her family members. However, now, she is all set to make her acting debut in the third season of Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives.