A Bengaluru based entrepreneur named Karnvir Mundrey shared a couple of photos on X reflecting on how school kids boarded heavily loaded auto rickshaw to travel to schools and back home, putting their lives into risk. Images posted online showed how more than five passengers were travelling on the three-wheeler, while only three and a driver met the legal permit.

See Photos Below

Mundrey raised questions of safety while sharing the pictures of these kids commuting on an overloaded auto rickshaw in the city. He pointed out that cars and bikers attract fines for not wearing seat belts and helmet, respectively, and asked whether there were no checks carried out on these three-wheelers ferrying kids to school. "Kindly help me understand how this is allowed on city roads? How is this safe," he captioned the photos of the crowded transport while tagging Bengaluru Traffic Police to look into the matter.

Bengaluru Traffic Police Responds

The city police acknowledged the concern shared on X and asked him for exact location details. Mundrey mentioned that the photos surfaced around the Gulabi High School on Nandidurga Road, but the scenario of loading many kids into the auto rickshaw was evident across Bengaluru.

Netizens Slam Parents For This Unsafe Commute

"Parents are responsible for their children lives. We should stop questioning govt of enforcement," netizens wrote while blaming parents for sending school kids in an unsafe transport, which is extremely crowded.

One of the users reacted by saying, "Can't understand how parents send their kids like this. These autos and those vans, just don't follow any rules. Most of these pvt vans drive as if they are on race track," another added,"Parents are equally responsible, they know the over crowding & still risk lives of young ones."

A few others highlighted that this issue was not restricted to Bengaluru. They said, "Same thing is in Hyderabad, police play blind eye to it." "3-wheeler lobby is very strong, how else would a unstable vehicle like this get a safety approval," they claimed.