Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati has voiced concerns over the growing trend of using bulldozers for demolition drives, stating that such actions do not symbolize the rule of law.

In a strong statement, she urged the central government to establish uniform guidelines to regulate the use of bulldozers across the country, a demand that she believes has been ignored, prompting the Supreme Court to step in.

Taking to Twitter, Mayawati expressed her concern: "Despite the fact that bulldozer demolitions are not a symbol of the rule of law, the increasing trend of their use is worrisome. When the general public disagrees with such actions, it is the responsibility of the central government to come forward and create uniform guidelines for the entire nation. This has not been done."

She further remarked that if proper guidelines were in place, the Supreme Court would not have had to intervene in such cases, a task that rightfully belongs to the central government. Mayawati emphasized the need for both central and state governments to focus on the proper implementation of the Constitution and uphold the rule of law.

The remarks come in the wake of the Supreme Court's recent decision to halt illegal demolition activities. The apex court ruled on Tuesday that such actions go against the principles of the Constitution and ordered an immediate stop to bulldozer demolitions deemed unlawful.