KOHIMA — On the third day of the ongoing 24th NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy, Delai FC, Asufü Football Academy, and Asufü Christian Institute won their first-round matches at Indira Gandhi Stadium in Kohima. In the first match on Tuesday, Delai FC outplayed Japfü Christian College with a 3-1 victory. Thoungoumang Touthang opened the scoring for Delai FC in the 43rd minute, followed by Thanglenlal Singson with another goal in the 66th minute. Lalgougin Haokip added a third goal in the 70th+3 minute. Keholeto Kikhi scored the lone goal for Japfü Christian College in the 68th minute. Lalgougin Haokip was named player of the match. In the second match, Asufü Football Academy defeated Kohima Sports Club 2-0. P Sorormi Thingsang scored both goals for Asufü in the 24th and 35th+3 minutes, securing their place in the next round and earning him the title of player of the match. In the third match of the day, Asufü Christian Institute defeated Kohima Village YO 2-0. Ngararsing Railhan scored both goals in the 13th and 38th minutes, for which he was named the player of the match. WEDNESDAY’S MATCHES 9:30 am – New Reserve Youth Org. vs Nousi Rüzhü (Colleges) 11:30 am – Khiretho...