NEW DELHI — For India to realise the goal of Viksit Bharat by 2047, logistics sector will play a key role with providing right skill-sets while generating employment, Jayant Chaudhary, Minister of State (Independent Charge), for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, said on Saturday. The minister said the government is also creating an enabling ecosystem for the growth in this sector where skilling and education work hand in hand. Launching ‘Swiggy Skills’ initiative during an event in the national capital, Chaudhary said that public-private partnerships can accelerate and create new avenues for the workforce in the sector. “There are huge opportunities in this space, and we wish to see more corporates engaging with us,” the minister added. Online food delivery platform Swiggy and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) have collaborated to provide skilling and employment opportunities within its food delivery and quick commerce network. Rohit Kapoor, CEO of Swiggy Food Marketplace, said that India’s food and beverages and retail sectors are expanding rapidly, contributing around 13 per cent of the overall GDP and generating significant employment. “As digitisation accelerates growth in these sectors, there is an urgent need for a skilled workforce across the entire value chain,” he added....