DIMAPUR — The Delhi Ao Students’ Union hosted its 32nd freshers’ day on November 15 at Nagaland House, Delhi, on the theme “Asen lipok tetushiba nung wazükdi” (Roots with reverence). According to an update, the event highlighted the significance of cultural identity and community values. In his address, the union president, Yimjungjungshi Sanglir, emphasised the importance of excelling not only academically but also in embodying social responsibility. The main speaker, Alemsunep Jamir, reflected on his experiences as a student in Delhi, urging students to value time and seek to understand God’s purpose for each individual. The chief guest, Advisor for Water Resources Tongpang Ozukum, urged students to remain vigilant and determined in their pursuits. He also encouraged them to foster unity in a vast and ever-evolving city like Delhi. The event was attended by over 500 participants. Also read: Nagaland Pavilion inaugurated at IITF New Delhi