DIMAPUR — Nagaland University (NU), under the aegis of Government of India’s ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam,’ conducted a plantation programme on September 17, focusing on environmental sustainability. The event took place around the basketball court at the Lumami headquarters and was led by Prof. J.K. Patnaik, Vice Chancellor, an update stated. Among the attendees were Dr. Abemo, Registrar; Albert Khizho, Finance Officer; Yanrenthung Ezung, Controller of Examinations; Prof. Mithilesh Kumar Sinha, Dean of the School of Social Sciences; Prof. MS Rawat, Dean of the School of Sciences; Prof. Dipak Sinha, Director of IQAC and Prof. Wangshimenla Jamir, Dean of Students’ Welfare. Also read: NU organises workshop on altmetrics in research Heads of departments, faculty members, officers, administrative staff, research scholars and postgraduate students also took part in the event. The initiative underscored the university’s commitment to promoting environmental sustainability, it stated.